Mission Possible Podcast
Welcome to our new podcast Mission Possible: Delivering Cleaner Fuel Today. The show highlights our members and how their businesses have changed over the years by delivering cleaner, greener fuel. We also talk about federal and state electrification efforts, the good work our members do for their communities, and how they care about their customers. The show is hosted by Shelly Sindland, CEMA’s director of communications.
Big Brother in Your Basement? Two Connecticut Bills Could Invade Your Privacy and Spark Lawsuits Between Neighbors!
These two bills, if passed, could create a nightmare for homeowners. The combination of easily accessible personal data and the right to sue over environmental violations could spark endless lawsuits.
Urgent: Connecticut’s Climate Change Superfund Would Cost Consumers $13 Billion
“It’s unjust and baffling that anyone in the legislature would consider raising energy costs in Connecticut after profiting from every single gallon sold. It’s another money grab by the state government and they won’t stop until they get every last penny.”
Mission Possible: Paula Ryan
“We’re the only fossil fuel that can actually become cleaner over time. Natural gas can’t improve its emissions, and while some claim electricity is clean, that’s debatable. But our product has made dramatic improvements, especially in recent years.” Paula Ryan
Mission Possible: Peter Aziz
“We’ve only sold a 20% renewable biodiesel blend mixed with ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO), which is very clean burning. Soot is now a thing of the past.”
Mission Possible: Catherine Erasmus
“I’m all for consumer choice,” Erasmus said. “People should be able to do what’s right for their families. Sometimes that means choosing electric heat, natural gas, or home heating oil. Connecticut consumers are smart and know what works for them. They deserve the right to make that choice, not have the government decide for them.”
Mission Possible: Greg and Jack Stafstrom (Episode 5)
Some of Jack Stafstrom’s earliest memories on the job involve putting on his snowpants during a winter storm—not to go sledding, but to help his father, Greg Stafstrom, deliver heating fuel. ...
CEMA’s New Podcast Featured in Regional Trade Magazine
CEMA's new podcast, Mission Possible, is gaining regional attention in the latest edition of Fuel Oil News magazine. You can read the entire story below. Thanks FON for sharing our story and how we are making a difference on so many levels from the fuel we sell to the...
Mission Possible: Carin Oppelt (Episode 4)
There are a lot of daughters taking over the family businesses from their fathers and grandfathers, and it’s been cool to see. You get a lot of diverse opinions.
Mission Possible: Sam Gault (Episode 3)
“The government thinks we are fuel of the past, but we are not. We are really a fuel of the present and the future,” Gault said.