Legistlative Affairs

The collective strength of our membership provides the platform by which the petroleum industry can continue to flourish, by working with government regulators to promote, preserve and protect our industry in today’s business climate.

Recent Legislative News

The TCI Gas Tax Is Back But Disguised As Something Else!

The TCI Gas Tax Is Back But Disguised As Something Else!

Chris Herb, CEMA President and CEO at a press conference March 5, 2021 regarding TCI TCI IS BACK BUT DISGUISED AS SOMETHING ELSE! IF PASSED, ENERGY PRICES WILL INCREASE EVEN MORE! “This feels like a sneak attack on Connecticut by not calling it what it actually is. RB...

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CEMA Goes On Air to Fight Electrification

CEMA Goes On Air to Fight Electrification

CEMA has started our anti-electrification/conversion campaign by running digital and terrestrial radio ads from December 27th through January 17th. The ad focuses on CEMA's recent public relations efforts to raise concerns about the reliability of the electric grid...

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Governor Proposes New Truck Tax

Governor Proposes New Truck Tax

HIGHLIGHTS - Tax to apply on all trucks class 8-13 (see below), 26,000 GVW and up - Tax is a mileage tax, starting at 2.5 cents/mile traveled in CT for 26,000 GVW trucks, increasing to over 17.5 cents/mi. for trucks over 81,000 GVW - Called a Highway Use Tax (HUT),...

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The Green New Deal Has Arrived in Connecticut

The Green New Deal Has Arrived in Connecticut

The “Green New Deal” has arrived in Connecticut! As we suspected, the bill proposes to end our industry and transition our workforce to yet to be developed green jobs. This is the most overt and specific attack on our industry that I have seen in the two decades I...

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2020 Federal Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates

2020 Federal Motor Fuel Excise Tax Rates

The federal Oil Spill Liability Tax (OSLT) that expired on December 31, 2018 has been reauthorized prospectively (not retroactively) beginning January 1, 2020. Refiners are the only parties in the petroleum distribution chain liable for the OSLT. The OSLT rate is...

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