Following agreement by President Trump and Congressional House Democrats early this morning, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a massive coronavirus spending bill that will give Connecticut more than $400 million in additional funding and guarantee all workers two weeks of paid sick leave and up to three months of paid family and medical leave.
The multi-billion dollar bill will provide free coronavirus testing for anyone who needs it, including the uninsured and boost unemployment benefits
The bill will mandate all employers to provide 14 days of paid sick leave at “not less” than two-thirds a worker’s pay. Employees would qualify for the benefit if they are sick and have to be quarantined or treated for coronavirus, or if they have to leave their jobs to take care of a family member who has coronavirus. Workers would also be eligible for paid sick leave if they have to stay home because they have a child whose school or childcare facility has closed.
Employers will receive a tax credit for 100% of the cost of giving their employers paid leave. The amount sick leave wage that could be paid out would be capped at $511 a day per employee, or $7,156 for the entire quarter.
Under existing law, employers are required to give “job protected” medical leave for up to 12 weeks. The coronavirus bill will provide workers who need more than 14 days to recover from coronavirus or who need to take care of family members up to three months of paid family and medical leave at two-thirds salary.