Biodiesel Takes Center Stage at CT Energy Expo

Biodiesel Takes Center Stage at CT Energy Expo

You can literally see the difference between #biodiesel and our ultra-low sulfur heating oil. The CEMA team spent three days at the Connecticut Energy Expo at the Convention Center in Hartford last week promoting the benefits of biodiesel. The bottomline is this: we...
West Hartford Business Owner Is CEMA’s New Chairman of the Board

West Hartford Business Owner Is CEMA’s New Chairman of the Board

STEPHEN J. SACK JR. SAYS HE’LL HELP THE HOME HEATING OIL INDUSTY IN CONNECTICUT TRANSITION TO A GREENER FUTURE. “I’m proud that my peers have faith in me to be able to do this and to help guide CEMA in the right direction. I am proud of what I’ve done but I haven’t...