Imagine this: you’re grilling burgers on a sunny day, your neighbor sees you using a gas grill, and suddenly, your right to cook outdoors could be under attack. Sound far-fetched? Not if two controversial bills in Connecticut become law. These bills could turn neighbors into enemies, potentially leading to lawsuits over personal choices like your gas grill, your heating system, or even the type of car you drive.
The First Bill: A Lawsuit Waiting to Happen Senate Joint Resolution No. 36 Resolution Proposing a State Constitutional Amendment Concerning Environmental Rights proposes a state constitutional amendment that guarantees “individual rights to clean air, water, soil, ecosystems, and a safe climate.” If passed, this could empower anyone to sue their neighbors, businesses, or even the state if they believe their environmental rights have been violated. Imagine your neighbor taking you to court because they think your gas grill or heating system is polluting the environment. It’s not just possible—it’s a real risk if this bill passes.
The Second Bill: Big Brother Watching You House Bill 6780, An Act Establishing a Connecticut Energy Data Access Bill of Rights, would let the state snoop into your private energy data—how you heat your home, what fuel you use, and the type of car you drive. Fuel providers could be forced to hand over customer lists, which could be easily accessed by the public. This means your neighbor could find out exactly how you’re heating your home and what vehicles you own, and they could use that information to sue you for violating their “right” to a clean environment.
A Perfect Storm for Legal Battles These two bills, if passed, could create a nightmare for homeowners. The combination of easily accessible personal data and the right to sue over environmental violations could spark endless lawsuits.
What’s at Stake? It’s not just about protecting your grill or your heating system—it’s about your privacy and your freedom to make personal choices without fear of legal consequences. These bills threaten to violate your rights and turn your home into a battleground over environmental concerns.
Take Action Now! You don’t have to stand by while these bills threaten your privacy and personal freedoms. Learn more by checking out the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association (CEMA) podcast for a deep dive into the issue and make your voice heard by contacting your state lawmaker to help stop these bills in their tracks! We’ve made it easy for you!
It’s time to protect your rights—before Big Brother moves into your basement!