Since 1989, Paula Ryan’s family has been keeping people safe and warm during the cold winter months in dozens of towns and cities across New Haven and Hartford Counties.

“It’s amazing how far we’ve come in the heating fuel industry,” Ryan said, reflecting on her decades of experience at Ryan Oil Company in Hamden, Connecticut.

“The fuel we sell is getting cleaner every day. One of the biggest misconceptions about the home heating fuel industry in Connecticut is that it’s dirty. It’s not. We’re the only fossil fuel that can actually become cleaner over time. Natural gas can’t improve its emissions, and while some claim electricity is clean, that’s debatable. But our product has made dramatic improvements, especially in recent years,” Ryan explained.

Ryan shared these insights during an interview on the latest episode of Mission Possible, a podcast produced by the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association (CEMA). The podcast aims to showcase the evolution of the home heating fuel industry in Connecticut and highlight the unmatched customer service it provides.

“In order to bring the company into the future, we need to adapt to what customers want, and they want a cleaner product. It’s one of the most important factors today. We must keep up with technology to make that happen,” Ryan said.

Home heating fuel in Connecticut now has an ultra-low sulfur content of just 15 parts per million (ppm), a major reduction that plays a key role in lowering emissions. CEMA members also blend this fuel with renewable biodiesel, made from discarded food waste and restaurant cooking oil. By 2035, all home heating fuel in Connecticut will be required by law to contain a 50% biodiesel blend, a move CEMA members fully support. Above all, customer care remains a top priority.

“I love my customers,” Ryan said. “I will do whatever it takes to help them. If I see an elderly person struggling, I’ll make that call to get them the assistance they need.”

You can listen to Paula Ryan’s full interview on Mission Possible on YouTube and Spotify. #MissionPossibleCEMA

Be sure to check out our new podcast: CEMA ENERGY NEWS Capitol Report.